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Iceland (Part 4): The East Fjords

Before we get started, if you've missed any of the previous parts of this series, you can find them all HERE.

After driving through the southeast and waking up for an amazing sunrise in Höfn it was time to start heading north. This meant a day driving through small fishing towns and along the side of the amazing fjords of eastern Iceland. The story for this day isn't that exciting, but the views were incredible so mostly I'll just let the photos speak for themselves.

After sunrise we went into Höfn for some coffee. Like every small coastal town in Iceland, Höfn happens to be pretty photogenic.

Hofn, Iceland

Hofn, Iceland

After coffee we hit the road. Our views were mostly something like this...

iceland fjords

...and this...

iceland fjords

...before we got to the town of Djúpivogur. I'm totally making this up but I'm pretty sure Djúpivogur is known for its views.

Djúpivogur, Iceland

Djúpivogur, Iceland

The next town on our route (because bathroom breaks are technically a necessity) was Stöðvarfjörður and this amazing boat. Side note, if you can pronounce the name of this town you win my everlasting respect.

Stöðvarfjörður, Iceland

Stöðvarfjörður, Iceland

The rest of the late afternoon was spent driving and discovering (and by discovering I really mean being the first ever people to be here because we built this road with our own two hands) views like these:

iceland fjords

iceland fjords

iceland fjords

iceland fjords

With the sun going down it was time to depart from the coast and head up to the high plains of the north. As soon as we left the coast the weather seemed to change. The wind whipped up in what would be a precursor for the rest of our journey. If you're wondering what a road in windy, northern, icy Iceland looks like you are in luck.

northern iceland in winter

northern iceland in winter

Since it was now basically dark, we decided to settle down for the night before continuing our journey in the north. But that, my friends, is a story for another day.

Until the next time,


If you happened to miss the first posts in this series, you can find all of them HERE.

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Most of these photos are for sale and can be purchased HERE. If you can't find something you like just shoot me an EMAIL and I would be glad to help.


Camera - Nikon D3

Lens - Nikkor 24-70 f2.8

Tripod - Slik

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